How do they do that? Preparing Employees to Change
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Change Readiness/by adminCan your company adapt quickly to change? Successful companies have a repeatable process that helps employees through transitions. They create an environment that prepares employees to think and work in new ways. These companies make sure employees are ready, willing and able to make whatever change is needed to achieve business goals. For instance, if […]
Where are We Going? A Team Needs a Shared Purpose
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by adminWe recently started working with an organization that is the victim of it’s own success. A few years ago, this organization was in a phase of explosive growth. Customers were knocking on their doors, recruiting could barely keep up, and earnings grew and grew. While growth skyrocketed, they were challenged to field the calls as […]
Are You Getting the Return on Your Investment?
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Communication, Leaders, The Change Management 101 Model/by adminHow much has your company spent on initiatives: cost reduction? quality? product launch? What were the business cases for these initiatives? What was invested in these efforts externally and internally – in terms of budget and people? What was the projected ROI of these efforts? Have you reached that promised ROI yet? Odds are that […]
Change is a marathon, not a Sprint
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Change Readiness, Communication, Culture/by adminWe have a client that is smack-dab in the middle of a significant change effort. The team is getting tired. They feel like they have been beating the drum forever. They can’t understand why people don’t just GET IT and CHANGE. But change is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s easy to get mired in […]
Key Messages are Key during Organizational Change
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Communication/by adminWe have seen more organizations than we care to remember that have waited and waited and waited and waited to say anything at all about a change that was being implemented. And when they finally did start talking, it was as if a flood of information had just breached a levee. If you have ever been on the receiving end of […]
The Importance of Followers by Stacy Aaron
/0 Comments/in Leaders/by adminYou can tell a lot about a leader by the actions of his or her followers. This follower was only mentioned once at the very end of an article in the New York Times. I read this quote by Mr. McCall, who is 76 years old, which made me want to write about followers: I’ll […]
Lean and Six Sigma are Good, Adding Change Management is Great
/0 Comments/in Change Management, The Change Management 101 Model/by adminSix Sigma and Lean are all the rage with some of our clients. If you haven’t heard of them, Six Sigma is a set of business practices (originated at Motorola) designed to improve processes by eliminating defects, and Lean is a business system (pioneered at Toyota) that aims to reduce waste and improve customer value. […]
“Off-Shoring”, “Right-Sizing”, “Out-Sourcing”… Whatever You Call it, it Means Big Change
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Communication, Leaders/by adminFor organizations seeking to reduce costs by sending work to other countries, the path is long and difficult. Off-shoring may be absolutely necessary for your organization to remain competitive or possibly just stay in business, but don’t underestimate what it will take to do it and do it right. With the pace of change around […]
Helping Others Say a Hearty “Yes”
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Communication, Leaders/by adminJoseph Campbell, best known for his work in comparative mythology, is quoted as having said “the big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.” Although this quote wasn’t made in the context of organizational change, I have been thinking about the applicability to change management. […]
The Final Countdown… are we Ready for this Change?
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Change Readiness/by adminYou have prepared for weeks, months, or maybe even years. Now you are ready to implement the BIG THING that you’ve been working on. The THING that promises to transform your business – the way you deal with customers, the way you sell your products or services, the way your processes work, your enterprise applications, […]
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