The Change Management Pocket Guide was written based on a simple model to help business managers frame where they are with respect to implementing organizational change.


The two steps of the Planning phase are assessing organizational needs and developing plans to help people change their behavior. Proper strategic planning enables leadership to identify potential workforce issues and tactical pitfalls.


The primary goals of the Do phase are to launch communications and transition the work. Effective communication and transition activities create a receptive environment for the change event and facilitate smooth execution.


The often overlooked step of a change project is the Sustain phase. During this phase your team must continually align structures and integrate new ways of working into business processes. If the organization fails to Sustain, the expected benefits will not be realized or will be short-lived. Ultimately, the inability to Sustain will adversely impact stakeholder buy-in and cooperation for future change events.

Our Mission: To help our clients drive successful change and build change management competence

Our Vision: To be the premier resource for strategic and tactical change management solutions

We Value:

  • Responsiveness – We listen and react to the changing needs of our customers
  • Flexibility – We create customized solutions
  • Collaboration – We take an inclusive approach in all we do
  • Excellence – We provide the best solution in all we do


“Thankful to have your perspective and insight.”

“Helped bring order to a significant organizational change.”


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