Change an Organization’s Culture? Yes You Can!
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Culture, Leaders/by adminWe often think that culture is a messy, squishy thing that we can’t really get our arms around. And culture often makes leaders uncomfortable because they don’t feel that they can “put their finger on it”. But there are lots of ways to measure culture these days (just spend a little time on Google or Yahoo! […]
Count Your Successes
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Culture, Leaders/by adminMom used to always say “count your blessings”. As the year comes to an end, organizations should to the same – with a twist. If you work in an organization that is making plans for the new year, you should “count your successes”. The path to growth and improvement can be long and bumpy. There can […]
Fact and Fiction about Change
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Uncategorized/by adminIn today’s business environment, there’s no such thing as “steady state”. Getting accustomed to making change happen quickly is an integral part of building and leading an effective organization. Whether responding to customer demands, making course corrections when a strategy is running off the rails, or quickly integrating a new product or service line when […]
Five Signs You Need Change Management (Signs 4 & 5)
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Change Readiness, Leaders, Training/by adminThis blog rounds up my top five signs that indicate you need change management on your project. Here’s a quick review of what I covered in the previous 2 blog posts: Sign #1 Leaders aren’t visibly supporting your project Sign #2 Employees don’t have a clue about what’s going to change Sign #3 When people […]
Five Signs You Need Change Management (Signs 2 & 3)
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by adminSo, from the previous post, we discussed how if Leaders aren’t visibly supporting your project, you need Change Management. People take their ques from leaders to figure out what’s important and what’s not. But what else signals the need for Change Management activities? Sign number 2 is when Employees don’t have a clue about what’s […]
Five Signs You Need Change Management (Sign #1)
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Leaders, Uncategorized/by adminMany companies staff skilled Project Managers on projects yet miss the boat on staffing projects with skilled Change Managers. Organizational Change Management skills are complimentary but different than Project Management skills. Change managers focus on communication, engagement, transition, support and reinforcement strategies. You need someone on your team with change management skills if… 1) Leaders […]
Organizational Learning… It’s Not Just for Hotel Ballrooms Anymore
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Training/by adminTruly exceptional organizations facilitate continuous learning and transformation. In order to bring about effective organizational change, individuals within an organization needs to be ready, willing, and able to work in new ways… over and over again! That means that the individuals who make up the organization continuously learn and transform. Organizational learning is tricky business […]
Building an Organization That Can Change Again and Again
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Uncategorized/by adminChange in organizations is an ever increasing phenomena. New technologies, new products, new competitors, new regulations, new people with new values and experiences. Every day, organizations try to stay one step ahead of their competitors by changing to meet the needs of their customers either cheaper or faster or both. Not too long ago, many […]
Priority #1 During Change: Leadership Alignment and Sponsorship
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Culture, Leaders, Uncategorized/by adminStudies over the years have continued to confirm what you may have already suspected… the greatest contributor to successful organizational change is leadership. In a studies of hundreds of companies and their change efforts, “Strong Executive Sponsorship” was cited three times more frequently than any other contributing factor to successful change by Prosci (Best Practices in Change Management) […]
Managing Change during ERP Implementations
/0 Comments/in Change Management, Culture, Leaders, The Change Management 101 Model/by adminA friend of mine if the President of a mid-size company. We were having dinner recently and he mentioned that they were evaluating ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) vendors. Put simply, ERP systems are complex computer software programs that integrate all functions and departments across a company onto a single system. ERP systems bring together most […]
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